

The best way to understand Agnostic is to learn how it works under the hood and the reasoning that supports its design. Both of these aspects are very simple — I promise! The conceptual simplicity of Agnostic is one of its strong points.


The term schema is unfortunately overloaded by database vendors to mean different things. In most databases, a schema is a description of the structure of your data, i.e. the tables, columns, and data types. In other databases (e.g. Postgres) a schema is a logical grouping of objects that have shared access controls.

To avoid confusing, we use the word “schema” in this documentation to refer specifically to the Postgres definition of the term. We use the terms “database” or “database structure” to describe the definitions of tables, columns, etc.

Let’s quickly review the essential elements of Agnostic’s design…

Pure SQL

In order to truly be agnostic, as well as reduce learning curve, Agnostic migration scripts are always written in pure SQL. You won’t need to learn a new API just to write migration scripts, and you also won’t be confined by the capabilities of that API.

Some migrations systems can convert migrations written in their native API to pure SQL for DBAs that insist on seeing real SQL. However, like most machine-generated code, this transliterated SQL tends to be overly complex and difficult to read. By writing migrations in SQL from the start, you can write them to be human-readable.

Data vs. Database Structure

Some migration systems offer to help manage data for you. Others focus exclusively on managing the database structure only.

Agnostic focuses on managing the database structure, but that does not prohibit managing data. The “pure SQL” aspect of writing migrations means that you can of course write DML statements to manipulate data.

Agnostic provides tools for verifying the correctness of database structure modifications (see Write & Test Migrations), but due to the innumerable complexities of real world data, it does not attempt to verify correctness of data modifications.

Up vs. Down

Some migration systems allow you write both “up” scripts (upgrade the database structure) and “down” scripts (revert the database structure to an earlier version).

In Agnostic, there is no concept of a “down” migration, for the following reasons:

  1. Allowing two scripts for each migration complicates the storage and metadata for migration scripts.
  2. If an “up” migration discards some data, such as dropping a table, then there is no possible way to write a “down” migration that restores that data.
  3. Despite being nominally optional, “down” scripts only work if all migrations have “down” scripts. If even a single migration lacks a “down” script, then there is no possibility for downgrading.
  4. The need for downgrading a database structure in production is very rare; for those use cases where it is valuable, a backup may be faster, easier, and safer.

There are many limitations and caveats on “down” scripts, and in years of development work, this author has decided that the costs far outweight any benefits.

Storing Migrations

Migration scripts are stored in files contained within a directory of your choosing. By convention, this directory is called migrations and Agnostic will look for it in your current working directory, but you can choose any directory and pass it to Agnostic with the --migrations-dir argument.

There is no prescribed layout for files within this folder; you are free to arrange your migration scripts however you want. All you need to know are these two rules:

  1. Migrations are named according to their relative path within the migration directory, without the .sql suffix.
  2. Migrations are sorted by name.

These rules are illustrated by the following example. Assume that you have the following directory tree.


Agnostic will scan this directory and enumerate the following migration names:


Each migration has been named by taking its path (relative to the migrations directory) and removing the .sql suffix. Files without a .sql suffix are ignored. The names are sorted (case sensitive) so that they will always be applied in a deterministic order.


The first rule of Agnostic migrations is:

You do not talk about Agnostic migrations!

No wait, hold up… that’s the first rule of Fight Club. Sorry, I was getting really hyped up. The first rule of migrations is actually much tamer, but no less important:

Do not rename migrations after you have deployed them!

Migration names are used to keep track of which migrations have been applied and which have not been applied. (That process is described further down.) If you rename a migration, it will likely lead to that migration being applied twice, which could result in a migration failure.

In a development environment, you’ll probably be fine renaming migrations, as long as you and other developers know how to rebuild a database from scratch. But in a production environment, it’s just asking for trouble.

Sample File Layout

You may now be wondering:

How does Agnostic manage dependencies between migrations?

What a good looking question, fair reader!

Some migrations systems ignore this question altogether, and other systems tackle this question by introducing complex dependency resolution — yet another cognitive load for developers who want migrations that “just work”.

Agnostic’s simple and open-ended approach allows you to manage dependencies however you like, but without introducing a lot of extra work.

Here is an example file layout for migrations that minimizes dependency management without adding significant cognitive load. This is just an example, of course! You may find other systems that work even better for you own team, and Agnostic is cool with that.

Let’s assume that you use semantic versioning or something like it. We will group all migrations into subdirectories, where each subdirectory has a 6 digit name that corresponds to a semantic version number. For example, version 1.2.3 would be named 010203 and version 12.34.56 would be named 123456.

This convention gives us a migrations directory layout like this:



You can nest directories as deeply as you want, in case you want more fine-grained subgroups.

The beauty of this simple arrangement is that Agnostic will automatically sort migrations into the correct order: scripts for version 1.0.1 run before scripts for version 1.2.0, which in turn run before scripts for version 2.0.0. Any dependency conflicts between versions are automatically handled for us, with hardly any extra work on our own part.

But what about dependency conflicts within a single version? Again, Agnostic doesn’t prescribe a single, right answer. You have a lot of options, and it’s best for your team to pick a convention that works for you and stick to it. Here are some ideas:

  1. If conflicts are related to the same feature, that might be a good hint that they belong in the same migration script. Try combining them into a single SQL script where the statements are re-ordered to solve the dependency.
  2. Re-order the migrations by prefixing the file names with special characters. An exclamation (!) sorts to the top, while an at-symbol (@) sorts to the bottom.
  3. If you have dozens or hundreds of migration scripts per version, then the special character approach may get cumbersome. Try moving the scripts that have dependency conflicts on each other into a subdirectory together, and then use special characters to reorder them within that subdirectory.


Migration metadata is stored in the same database that Agnostic is managing for you. This arrangement is highly convenient: Agnostic already has access to this database, and the metadata stays right next to your data. If you backup your database, then your Agnostic metadata is backed up, too!

The metadata table looks like this:

CREATE TABLE "agnostic_migrations" (
    name VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY,
    status VARCHAR(255),
    started_at TIMESTAMP,
    completed_at TIMESTAMP

We saw in a previous section how the migration name is determined (relative path, minus the .sql suffix). The status can be any of the following:

  • bootstrapped: The migration was added to the table when the migration system was bootstrapped, but it was never actually executed.
  • succeeded: The migration was successfully executed.
  • failed: The migration failed.
  • pending: The migration has not been executed yet, but would be executed if you ran the migrate command.

The started_at and completed_at columns make for a simple audit history, so that you can see when various migrations were actually applied to a particular system. For a more thorough explanation of bootstrapped, see: Build vs. Migrate.

Running Migrations

Now that we know how migration files are stored on disk and how migrations are represented in a table, we can complete the puzzle: running migrations. This is a rough outline of how migrations are executed.

  1. Make a backup, if requested.
  2. Compute pending migrations
    1. Enumerate all migration files in the migrations directory and sort them as described previously.
    2. Enumerate all the migrations that exist in the metadata table.
    3. The “pending” migrations are those that exist on disk but not in the metadata table.
  3. For each pending migration:
    1. Enter the migration into the metadata table, set the status to failed, and set the started_at time to the current time.
    2. Try to run the pending migration.
    3. If it succeeds, change the status to succeeded and set the completed_at time to the current time.
    4. If it fails, abort the entire process. If a backup was requested in step 1, try to restore from that backup now.
  4. If all migrations completed successfully and a backup file was created in step 1, then remove that backup file.

Note that Agnostic fails fast: an error in any single migration causes the entire process to be aborted. In order to make this process as painless as possible, Agnostic backs up the database before it attempts to migrate it. This backup is automatically restored in the event of a failure.


If restoring from backup fails, please note that the backup file will not removed. It remains on disk so that you can attempt a manual recovery.

Some database systems have transactional DDL that allows Agnostic to roll back all of the migrations in the event of a failure. Agnostic does not, however, rely on this feature by default, for two reasons:

  1. Not all DDL statements are transactional. We don’t want you to think you have a transactional DDL safety net only to find that it’s not there at that one, heart-thumping moment when you’re migrating a major production database and it fails.
  2. The overhead of creating a backup is negligible for small and medium sized datasets — no more than a few seconds.

If you are confident that you don’t need this feature, and you wish to avoid the overhead of creating a backup file, you may pass the --no-backup option to Agnostic.

Build vs. Migrate

Most migration systems are part of an ORM, and most ORMs have an option to define the database structure using a native API, then generate SQL statements to build that database structure. This naturally leads to a difficult question:

How do we ensure that the build process always results in the same exact database structure as migrating?

This is deceptively difficult. Small difference in database structures across multiple instances of your application can lead to obvious, catastrophic failure or—even worse—can lead to the ticking time bomb of slow-but-unnoticed data corruption. This problem can reach nightmarish magnitudes if you have software deployed on hundreds or thousands of customer sites.

It’s imperative that all deployed instances of your application have exactly the same database structure.

Despite the obvious need, it’s not clear how best to pursue this stated goal. One possibility is to ignore your ORM’s database builder and always build new instances solely from migrations. With this convention, your initial database structure is treated as a “migration #1”, and (along with a deterministic migration sort order) ensures that all instances will always be built identically.

This approach does have drawbacks, though:

  1. Your ORM’s database builder is part of the benefit of using an ORM! You are creating additional work and also run the risk that the migration script you write doesn’t perfectly match what the ORM expects.
  2. It feels inefficient to have to build a brand new database structure by building a series of old, crufty database structures first.

The other approach is to try to maintain your ORM database structure and migrations in parallel, hoping, praying, and tediously testing to make sure that migration scripts perfectly replicate the effect of changing your ORM models.

Agnostic doesn’t have an opinionated stance on this question.

You are free to pick either approach, but if you decide to maintain your ORM database structure and migrations in parallel, then Agnostic can make this process easier and safer.

When you first bootstrap Agnostic on a given database structure, it loads all of the existing migrations and sets their statuses to boostrapped — but it doesn’t actually execute any of them. This special status indicates that these are migrations that already exist in the current database structure, but instead of being put there by running migration scripts, they were put their by the ORM’s database build tool.

When Agnostic sees this status, it will know that it does not need to run these migration scripts again. (For more information on how to do this, see: Write & Test Migrations.) Once you get used to Agnostic, you may even want to include the bootstrap step in your database build process.

On the other hand, if you want to build all new instances from scratch purely using migrations, then you don’t want existing migrations to be bootstrapped, because that would prevent any of them from running at all! You can disable this behavior by passing the --no-load-existing option to the bootstrap command.